Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Colon hydrotherapy?

Colon Hydrotherapy also known as colonic irrigation is the safe and gentle washing out of the colon using purified warm water inserted via the rectum. The procedure removes encrusted waste or fecal matter allowing vital nutrients to be absorbed more easily resulting in a rejuvenated and healthier feeling.

How is it done?

Prior to the start of the procedure a thorough consolation process is done during which time the complete procedure will be explained in detail. In essence the procedure starts with the client lying on a comfortable therapy bed fully clothed but wearing a pair of specially designed shorts. The therapist gently inserts a small completely sterile speculum into the rectum. The warm filtered water then gently flows into the colon via state of the art equipment. Once the required pressure is achieved the process is reversed allowing the water the flow back out directly into the waste pipes bringing with it the waste matter which has been loosened up. This process is repeated two or three times during each hydrotherapy session depending on individual requirements.

Is it safe?

Colon hydrotherapy is very safe if performed by a qualified therapist operating in a clean and sterile environment using modern up-to-date equipment. This ensures that the water is properly sterilised through advanced filtration and ultra violet processes prior to it entering the colon. The speculums used to insert the water are disposable and never used twice – under any circumstances.

Does it hurt?

For the vast majority there is no pain at all only a slight feeling of pressure building up in the colon as the water flows in. This discomfort goes away as the water and waste matter is removed.

Is it embarrassing?

There is no reason for it to be. The procedure is carried out in an extremely private environment on a one on one basis with dignity and respect being maintained at all times. There is absolutely no odour as the system is completely “closed” with the water and waste being flushed directly into the toilet drainage system.

How should I prepare for the therapy?

It is recommended that nothing be eaten for at least two hours before treatment and that one is well hydrated. It is also best if no alcohol is consumed 24 hours before the appointment.

How will I feel after the procedure?

Colonics generally have a “reliving and therapeutic” effect. The most common effect is for normal bowel movements to be slightly delayed but returning quickly with stools being slightly larger and easier to move.

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